There are so many ways to spend quality time with friends and a good idea is to go on a winery tour where you will learn a few things, get to explore sprawling vineyards and generally have a good time and create beautiful memories.
When planning for a winery tour,
You need to think about what everyone expects for the tour and the experience they are looking for. Some may prefer to go on a tour where they can learn more about wine and its making while others will look for a more casual experience. Once you have an idea of the collective goals of the group, you can visit to see whether they have tours that can accommodate these requirements. You have to choose the right location for this as well. This will depend on your preferences for wine types. If most of the group has a certain preference for a wine type whether it is red, white, sparkling etc. you can choose a region that aligns with it. However, you need to make sure that the location can be reached easily. Maybe you are looking for a one day trip or for something that takes longer. Depending on this, you can widen the search.

There has to be a budget for the winery tour
So that everyone is aware of the rough budget for the tour. This ensures that the group is comfortable with all the expenses involved. This will be costs for transportation, meals, tastings with a small buffer for anything you want to purchase. Or you can make a basic budget instead without the latter so that everyone is aware of the general cost of the holiday. Creating an itinerary is a great way to enrich your tour experience. You can research which wineries are in the region you have chosen to find out about their operating hours, their specialities and their unique ambience. You can have some top choices from the list but make sure there are a few options still so that you have some ideas of what to do later on.

You should have a good idea of the number of wineries you want to visit in a day.
Generally it is best to have four be the maximum as going above can create an overwhelming experience. A winery tour shouldn’t feel rushed and you should take the time to soak up with surroundings and just enjoy quality time with friends. Make sure to have a reservation at a nearby eatery or a winery restaurant so that your lunch is sorted. Transportation should also be considered. Some winery tours are aligned with limo services and other transportation allowing guests to arrive together and have abetter experience. It is always a good idea to have a designated driver that will not drink; you can always hire a professional to provide transportation. There are also certain things you should bring on a winery tour such as reusable water bottles to stay hydrated because wine tasting can dehydrate you. It is also a good idea to bring some light snacks.