The usage of monitors should be reduced, a high-humidity environment should be maintained, windy situations should be avoided, and the patient should consume vital fatty acids, say doctors. Dry eye disease can be either conservative or invasive based on the seriousness of the disease. The treatment aims to reduce subjective complaints and objective ocular surface alterations in dry eye patients and finally to restore quality of life. Differently acting artificial teardrops and ophthalmic ointments are recommended for replacing the aqueous tear phase (decreased Schirmer value).
Preservatives in artificial tears have a bacteriostatic/bactericidal effect. Although the edge of the bottle reaches the eyelid or the eye surface when dropping, the whole fluid will not become infected. Long-lasting application of drugs with preservatives may disrupt epithelial cell–cell contacts.

Local and systemic immunosuppressive medication can be used with dry eye treatment Perth, typically as adjunctive therapy, in situations of advanced and severe dry eye caused by inflammatory path mechanism. Both the disease’s subjective and objective signs and symptoms are typically improved with corticosteroids. When chronic conjunctival redness is present, typically with punctate keratitis (corneal fluorescein staining), local corticosteroids can be used. Local corticosteroid eye drops (0.1% fluorometholone two to four times/day for 2-4 weeks) are also advised in situations when transitory dry eye disease develops following refractive surgery.
Under the direction of an autoimmune expert, systemic administration in a short pulse (40 mg on alternate days) is advised for individuals with autoimmune illnesses (such as Sjögren syndrome). Regular check-ups are essential since both local and systemic applications might result in cataract and glaucoma formation. The Schirmer value, corneal fluorescein staining, and goblet cell density can all be improved by the topical use of cyclosporine A (0.05%) to dry eye disorders.
Patients who have blepharitis, meibomian itis, or MGD should take care of their eyelid cleanliness. It is suggested that a variety of warming techniques, including infrared or broad-spectrum warm compresses, warm moist eye devices, and disposable eye warming devices, are beneficial. Tetracycline can be used consistently due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiangiogenic properties. Oral tetracycline is typically taken for 3 months intermittently at doses ranging from 20 to 100 mg/day. Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, azithromycin 1.0% ophthalmic solution has been recommended as a suitable treatment for moderate-to-severe blepharitis.
From the patient’s blood, the autologous serum is made, and it can be utilized in a range of solutions (20–100%). It should be made in a licensed laboratory facility under sterile circumstances. Because it has an anti-inflammatory impact and includes various growth factors, including vitamin A and fibronectin, it has been helpful in situations of advanced and severe illness.
The administration of local and systemic secretagogues can increase tear production. Patients with Jorgen syndrome may benefit from using systemic cholinergic agonists. These medications could cause severe adverse effects like sweating and nausea. The majority of these secretagogues are being looked at, and they don’t usually apply in daily practice.

Dry eye disease is an inflammatory disease with tear film instability, hyperosmolarity, and chronic irritation of the ocular surface. The patient’s subjective complaints should be taken into account when choosing the best course of treatment. The lacrimal gland must be at least half functioning to stimulate tear production.